Access to collections can be provided only with the concent of the State Darwin museum director upon the receipt of a written official request:
- Scientists/researchers should provide an official request letter from an organization/institute they work for;
- Students should provide an official request letter from the Yniversity they study in, containing information on their scientific curator;
- Individuals may submit a formal letter addressed to the State Darwin museum director.

Dr. Anna Klyukina, director of the State Darwin museum

The official request for the access to Darwin museum collections should contain information on the applicant's Last and First names, official job and occupation, purpose of research, topic and time frame, as well as a statement explaining the need to work with particular museum specimens.
The formal request must contain your passport details (date and place of birth, passport number, date of issure and the authorities that issued passport), as well as your contact phone number.

The permission to access museum collections will be granted after the formal letter is viewed by the museum's director and the items in question are regarded as available by the Chief conservator;
The period for which the permission will be granted will be determined by the museum's director depending on the topic and the amount of work, but not more than one calendar year with the right to review and change of the period by the museum's administration.Should the research exceed the term of one calendar year or shoud the topic change, the researcher/student/individual must submit another written official request.

All applicants upon the receipt of the permission get familiar with the museum working hours for visitors as well as rules of working with museum objects. A curator will be assigned to every researcher/student/individual to help organize the work in the most effient way. In case any damage or flaw to a museum object is detected, the researcher/student/individual is to inform the curator of the collection.

The museum objects are not allowed to be brought anywhere outside the museum premises.

When using museum objects and documents in reserch work, the researcher/student/individual should state their provenance with reference to the State Darwin museum, as well as to provide an author's copy free of charge to the museum upon the publication of work.

Video-, tele- and photo shooting and photocopying of museum objects/materials is subject to prior written consent of Darwin museum administration and may be charged according to the museum's price list.

Адрес и часы работы музея:

117292, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 57
сегодня работаем (четверг):
основное здание с 10:00 до 18:00
интерактивный центр с 10:00 до 20:00
выставочный комплекс с 13:00 до 21:00

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