
1 March 2022 — 10 September 2022

The State Darwin Museum announces the "Mushroom Hunting" photo contest.
Some hunters are fond of big game hunting. Others enjoy fowl hunting. But there is another type of hunters, quite a different one...
Those who prefer the quiet hunt and love searching for and collecting mushrooms. Mushroom foraging is an old Russian craft known since the 17th century.
This activity is popular not only in Russia but also in many other countries of the world, especially in Eurasia and North America.
What all mushroom pickers have in common are the love for nature, great observation skills and knowledge of the forest.
Next time you go on a mushroom-picking adventure, don’t forget to take your camera and don’t leave your smartphone at home.
We invite you to share your best shots of the mushrooms!

There are very different ways to participate:
  • you can head to the forest, swamp or meadow or look through your old photos and assemble a mushroom gallery;
  • if you do not want to wait for summer and autumn, you can start the hunt right away in a snow-covered forest;
  • you can take an even closer look at the mushrooms that you are already familiar with.
To participate in the competition you must fill out the form at the link https://forms.gle/HXvdSZA4b1B9qwJf6 and upload your photos.

If due to technical reasons you can’t fill in the form you can send contest photos and the participation form to email address photo-fungy@yandex.ru and indicate the subject of the photo contest "Mushroom hunting". The winners will receive participation certificates, take part in an online exhibition on the museum website and get invited to interesting events at the Darwin Museum. Someone will even receive a special prize from our partners.

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