Detailed information

By Metro:

The nearest metro station is Akademicheskaya (orange line). Take the exit to the State Darwin Museum (1st train carriage if traveling from the center of Moscow, go up the stairs through the glass doors, turn to the right, then again to the right and up the stairs). When you are out on the street, turn around the corner on your left and go straight down the street (Dmitriya Ulyanova st.). The station is approximately 10-15 minutes’ walk from the Museum's main entrance

By Bus:

Route 119 stops across the street from the museum at “Darwinovsky musey”(Darwin museum) stop.


Parking is available free of charge for the visitors at our facility conveniently located in front of the museum. You can access the parking lot via Vavilova Street, to the west of the Museum. The hours of operation are 10 am - 18 pm.

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