The diversity of life on Earth

The amazing diversity of life on Earth is caused by infinite ways of biological adaptability to the environment.

The amazingdiversity of life on Earth is caused by infinite ways of biological adaptability to the environment. This incredible diversity can impress even the most experienced observer. Living organisms can be found everywhere: from the hot springs of deep-sea volcanoes to the mountain peaks eternally covered with ice. The exhibition of the hall tells about different natural communities of living organisms in the ocean, tropical forests, savannas, mountains and along sea coasts. Earlier it was considered that marine communities are mostly concentrated in the coastal zone, however later scientists discovered an extremely rich diversity of life in the area of deep-sea volcanoes. The largest concentration of terrestrial communities can be found in tropical forests. Tropical forests are home for many species of plants and nearly a half of all known terrestrial animals (over 1 500 000 species).

The mountains


A tropical forest


Актуальные мероприятия


Sat Sun В отличие от других известных нам планет, Земля является живой планетой. Возникнув около 4 миллиардов лет назад, жизнь сумела великолепно приспособить для себя целую планету, использовав существовавшие условия и создав огромное разнообразие новых условий для своего процветания...


Sat Sun


Свето-видео-музыкальная экспозиция

Address and opening hours:

Moscow, Vavilova str., 57
Museum working hours today (Thursday):
main building from 10:00 to 18:00
interactive complex с 10:00 до 20:00
exhibition complex from 13:00 to 21:00

Detailed information
Ticket prices


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