24 August 2024

The Darwin Museum celebrated the 10th anniversary of the centre “Discover Yourself – Discover the World”

On August 24, the museum celebrated 10 years since the opening of the interactive educational center "Discover Yourself – Discover the World", the symbol of which is the chameleon Charlie. During this time, the Center has been visited by almost a million people!

In honor of the holiday, 10-year-old guests visited the interactive exhibition for free.

Taking part in a quest around the Center, visitors compared their reaction with the reaction of a chameleon, studied the human skeleton, learned about the methods of seed dispersal and named the largest class of animals.

A live Yemeni chameleon from the anti-cafe with an exotarium "Zhuchki-Pauchiki" came to visit the festival. A reptile specialist told about the features of the amazing guest: how and why chameleons change color, what they prefer for lunch and what their character is like. The chameleon was friendly and sometimes left his terrarium to "communicate" closer with the guests of the festival.

The winners of the creative competition "Around Russia with Charlie" were the honorary guests of the festival, who were awarded prizes from the museum.

The curator of the interactive center Irina Eliseikina gave a tour of the Center and answered questions from young biologists.

In the quest "Such different reptiles" in the halls of the museum, the participants of the festival learned about the diversity of the class Reptiles or Reptiles, to which the Chameleon family belongs.

The master class "Masks" helped to quickly and easily transform into a smiling reptile.

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