23 July 2024

New video exhibition "The Sixth Extinction"

Summer is always filled with a lot of impressions. And the Darwin Museum continues to delight its visitors. Now, tired of wandering through the numerous halls of the museum, you can allow yourself a little rest, settling down on comfortable poufs at the end of the hall "Interaction of Man and Nature" in front of the big screen. Thanks to the unique footage and high quality of the film, you will not be bored, and you will not have time. In just 6:21 minutes, you will see the complex path of the evolution of life on Earth, accompanied by five ecological crises that led to global extinctions of species on Earth. And if at first the reasons for the disappearance of living organisms on the planet were mainly caused by climate change, ocean level, volcanoes, collisions with asteroids, then the sixth ecological crisis arose solely due to human fault. And this is not only another reduction in the number of species. We have approached a dangerous line beyond which extinction threatens humanity. It is time to correct our mistakes. Our planet is capable of feeding all people without harming wildlife, if we use modern technologies and take care of natural resources. It is already possible to deliver heat and water to places where they are in short supply for life on Earth. Space exploration continues and everything is being done to prevent space-level disasters that have repeatedly threatened our nature in the past and may threaten in the future. People from almost all countries agree to gradually abandon the use of substances that destroy the ozone layer. Now the future depends on us.

The video exhibition "The Sixth Extinction" is an integral part of the theme "Interaction of Man and Nature", its logical conclusion, drawing attention to the complex problems of our time, calling to stop and think.

The authors of the script are Vitaly Kontorshchikov, Senior Researcher of the Ecology Department, and Olga Gvozdeva, Head of the Ecology Department. The RUPLAY company worked on the creation of the video materials: director Olga Popova, editing and graphics Anzhelika Fairlamb, producer Kirill Popov.


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