The Central
Postal Customs donated 6 stuffed birds and 2 stuffed seal heads to the Darwin
Museum, which customs officers discovered in 2022 in international mail.
Parcels containing goods prohibited for export were destined for private
recipients in the United States.
During an
X-ray examination of the parcels, the customs inspector noticed objects similar
to the outlines of birds. A customs examination showed that the shipments
contained stuffed animals of two species of owls and three species of birds of
prey. The expert identified the graceful bird as the ibis. Seal heads belong to
one of the seal species of the domestic fauna.
All these
animals are classified as CITES objects, and the ibex, black vulture, griffon
vulture, greater spotted eagle and seals are included in the Red Book of the
Russian Federation. Export from the territory of Russia of representatives of
these species is allowed only with permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which the
sender did not have. The sender was brought to administrative responsibility.
By decision of the Central Postal Customs, the confiscated stuffed animals were
transferred to the Darwin Museum and replenished its scientific collection. All
the gifts were carefully unpacked, treated from pests and accepted for
safekeeping by the chief curator of the museum Igor Vyacheslavovich Fadeev.
of wild animals and parts of them (derivatives) ranks second in the world in
terms of money turnover - 6-9 billion dollars a year. 33,000 rare species are
protected by the International Convention CITES and are prohibited from moving
across state borders without special permission - not only alive, but also in
the form of derivatives and any kind of products. Contraband goods are
destroyed or transferred to competent institutions such as zoos, nurseries or
museums. The Darwin Museum receives both stuffed animals seized by customs
(some of them are presented in the permanent exhibition) and individual parts
of animals - derivatives. These are rhino horns, elephant tusks, reptile skins
and leather goods (belts, wallets, bags), which are used in temporary
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