25 September 2024

Press Preview "Gifts to the Museum" for the 117th Anniversary of the Darwin Museum


On September 25, a press preview was held at the Darwin Museum to celebrate its 117th anniversary. We invited representatives of the media to learn about the museum's treasures and to take a rare glimpse into the museum's storage areas.

The preview began with a ceremonial transfer of paleontological specimens by staff from the Geological Museum of Moscow State University, featuring Deputy Director Mikhail Anatolyevich Vinnik and Deputy Director Tatiana Sergeevna Kubasova from the Darwin Museum. The Geological Museum staff donated a collection of paleontological specimens discovered during the summer of 2024 as part of the tenth field season of the educational expedition "Flotilla of Floating Universities." The expedition's leader, Alexey Viktorovich Ivanov, shared insights about the mission, objectives, and achievements of the expedition. One of the unique finds this year was a fragment of a petrified tree trunk over 56 million years old and weighing around 100 kg, which has now enriched the entrance area of the interactive exhibition "Walk the Path of Evolution," where visitors are encouraged to touch it.

After the ceremonial part, guests moved to the storage area of the paleontological collection. Collection curator Alexander Areshin showcased a cave bear skeleton, the skull of a woolly rhinoceros, mammoth tusks and teeth, miniature plesiosaurs, dinosaur teeth, the skeleton parts of a prehistoric ichthyosaur from the Moscow region, and other ancient artifacts from the Darwin Museum’s collection.

The press preview continued with a tour of the upcoming exhibition "Gifts to the Museum," featuring over 250 exceptional items donated to the Darwin Museum over the past 10 years. Exhibition author Elizaveta Galperina conducted a brief tour, discussing the most valuable gifts and their donors, which have enriched the museum's collection by 65,000 items over its 117-year history. Museum visitors will soon have the opportunity to appreciate the exhibition starting October 1.

The evening concluded with friendly conversations over tea.

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