We hope that all visitors of Darwin museum enjoy their experience. So we made our museum available for all categories of visitors, including those who require assistance.

The following accessibility symbols are used in the museum:
 - available for blind and visually impaired visitors
 - available for deaf and hard of hearing visitors
 - available for visitors with mobility disabilities

The museum is equipped with ramps (including portable), lifts, and recreation areas.
There are specially equipped toilets with changing tables for babies on the 0 level of the main building and the 1 level of the temporary exhibition complex.

If you need assistance, please contact the manager in charge of the museum building by phone (available in all halls):
Main building: 300
Temporary exhibitions complex: 400

Additional service
- You can get rental wheelchairs in the entrance area of the museum (free of charge);
- All tactile exhibits are labeled in Braille.
- There are rental charts of the route around the museum for blind visitors (free of charge);

The parking spaces for disabled are marked with special signs.

Адрес и часы работы музея:

117292, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 57
сегодня работаем (четверг):
основное здание с 10:00 до 18:00
интерактивный центр с 10:00 до 20:00
выставочный комплекс с 13:00 до 21:00

Подробная информация


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