In exhibition halls you will find interactive displays, where you can listen to birds or frogs singing, touch bears and other animals, weigh yourself and find out how many parrots and other animals can fit inside of you, etc.

There is a playground for children on level 3 of the main building and comfortable couch for parents. Comfortable couches, ice-cream booth and amusement rides for toddlers can also be found on level 0.

For children of all ages and their parents there is “Walk the path of evolution” interactive exhibition on level 4 of the temporary exhibitions complex and “Cognize yourself – Discover the world” interactive educational centre on level 1 of the main building.

Don’t forget to visit our live exhibition – insectarium on level 1 of the temporary exhibitions complex and to see dinosaurs models outside of the museum, where you can take a walk on an ECO-path and let your children play in a sandbox.


There is no elevator between level 0 and 1 in the main building, therefore keep in mind that it might take more effort and time to get with little children from the exhibition hall to the toilets or the cloak room.

Адрес и часы работы музея:

117292, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 57
сегодня работаем (четверг):
основное здание с 10:00 до 18:00
интерактивный центр с 10:00 до 20:00
выставочный комплекс с 13:00 до 21:00

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