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Билеты, приобретенные на Официальном сайте Мэра Москвы www.mos.ru, можно оформить к возврату через платформу RUSSPASS или по электронному адресу support@russpass.ru
Билеты, приобретенные на Официальном сайте Мэра Москвы www.mos.ru, можно оформить к возврату через платформу RUSSPASS или по электронному адресу support@russpass.ru
Билеты, приобретенные на Официальном сайте Мэра Москвы www.mos.ru, можно оформить к возврату через платформу RUSSPASS или по электронному адресу support@russpass.ru
Билеты, приобретенные на Официальном сайте Мэра Москвы www.mos.ru, можно оформить к возврату через платформу RUSSPASS или по электронному адресу support@russpass.ru
117292, Moscow, Vavilova str., 57
The Museum is open every day of the year except: Every Monday Regular hours are 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM more Location map ↓
The State Darwin museum was established in 1907 by Alexander Kohts as educational museum at the Moscow Higher Women's Courses. It was the first museum dedicated to biological evolution in the world.
Today the State Darwin museum is:
One of the largest museums of natural science;
Modern permanent exhibition illustrating different evolution processes (5 000 sq. m);
Collections including about 400 000 exhibits;
More than 50 exhibitions a year in exhibition halls with the total area about 1000 sq. m;
More than 600 000 visitors a year;
Organizing scientific conferences and seminars, ecological and family festivals, meetings with travelers and renowned scientists, including those on the international level;
Extensive publishing and educational activities;
Introducing the latest museum technologies.
Since 1997 the museum is the head of the Association of Natural Science Museums of Russia. In 1997 Darwin museum received the status of the Methodological Center for Natural Science Museums, which made it a hub for conducting programs for young people and people with disabilities. The use of modern technologies for interactive centers and permanent exhibition allows to convey scientific knowledge to a wide audience, making it easy to understand and available to all categories of visitors, including people with disabilities.
Билеты, приобретенные на Официальном сайте Мэра Москвы www.mos.ru, можно оформить к возврату через платформу RUSSPASS или по электронному адресу support@russpass.ru